Summary -

The list of new elements added in HTML5 gives a few additional functionalities to build a dynamic and a desirable website. We can create our code in a simple way and much faster with the help of these elements.

Below are the list of new elements added in HTML5 that gives a few additional functionalities to build a dynamic and a desirable website. We can create our code in a simple way and much faster with the help of these elements.

New Elements -

Following table shows the total list of newly added elements with their descriptions.

Tag Description
<article> Specifies Article of the html document. Indicates an individual part of text of a document, such as a newspaper article or blog entry.
<aside> Describes content aside from the page content. Indicates a piece of substance that is only marginally linked to the rest of the page.
<bdi> Separates a part of text that might be arranged in a variety of direction from another text outside it.
<details> Specifies additional details that the user can view or hide. Indicates extra information or controls information the client can get on demand.
<dialog> Specifies a dialog box or window or other interactive components.
<figcaption> Describes a caption for <figure> element
<figure> Indicates a piece of self-contained content, normally referenced as a single unit from the main document.
<footer> Indicates a footer for a document or section. Footer can include information about the writer, copyright data, etc.
<header> Specifies the header for a document or section. Indicates a group of introductory or directional aids.
<main> Describes the main content of a document.
<mark> Specifies marked/highlighted text. Indicates a text that is highlighted or marked for reference reasons or due to its significance in an additional context.
<meter> Indicates a scalar measurement within a known range. Example - disc usage in the system.
<nav> Describes Navigation links. Indicates a section of the document intended for navigation.
<progress> Specifies the progress of the task. Indicates a conclusion of a task, such as downloading or when doing a series of costly operations.
<rp> Describes alternative content for the browser which do not support ruby annotations. Specifies what to show in browsers when they do not support ruby annotations.
<rt> Describes a pronunciation/explanation of characters.
<ruby> Specifies ruby annotation. Together with <rp> and <rt> for marking up ruby annotations.
<section> Specifies section in the document. Indicates a generic document or application section.
<summary> Defines a noticeable heading for a <details> element.
<time> Describes a time/date.
<wbr> Represents a probable line-break.

New Form elements

<datalist> Indicates predefined list of options for input controls.
<output> Used as a container element to correspond to the calculation output or result a of client action.

New <input> types

Type Description
color Defines a color picker for the Input element.
date Describes a date picker for the Input element.
datetime Defines complete time and date with time zone information for the Input element.
datetime-local Describes time and date without time zone information for the Input element.
email Describes email model Confirmation for the Input element.
month Defines to submit month for the specific year for the Input element.
number Defines Input field which chooses a numeric value only.
range Range describes a numeric value picker with a provided range for the Input element.
search Used to define a search field for the Input element.
tel Identifies a monitor to register a telephone number for the Input element.
time Identifies a monitor to register time value with no time zone for the Input element.
url Identifies to join a URL for the Input element.
week Describes a picker for week value for the specific year for the Input element.

New input attributes

HTML5 introduces some new attributes to supplement the new input types that web designers frequently require -

Attribute Possible Values Description
Autocomplete on
A choice to turn off automatic form, end of values for a field.
Potential values are “on” and “off”.
Autofocus on
Adds the focuses automatically to the field coded with Autofocus as quickly as it has loaded.
Form action URL Applies for buttons that submit a form (e.g. <input type=”submit”> and <button> elements) that are to ignore the action attribute of the form; For example, if distinct buttons must submit the form to distinct URLs. No other JavaScript to do this!
Formenctype application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Specifically,for buttons that submit a form that are to ignore the form’s stipulated encoding.
Formmethod post
Describes the HTTP method for sending form-data to the action URL. This attribute ignores the method attribute of the <form> element.
The formmethod attribute can be utilized with type="submit" and type="image".
Formnovalidate formnovalidate Attach to a submit button to bypass form validation.
Formtarget _blank
Applies for buttons that submit a form are to ignore the form’s target attribute.
List datalist_id Links with a <datalist> element by its id, use its <option> components as ideas.
Max number Maximum available value for the field that can be placed in.
Min number Minimum available value for the field that can be placed in.
Multiple multiple Allows choice of multiple files for <input type=”file”> components, and multiple e-mail addresses divided by a comma.
Novalidate novalidate Applies only to the <form> component and prevents a form from being validated before submitted.
Pattern regexp Declaring what pattern must be used for validating a field’s value, in the form of a routine statement.
Placeholder text Planned to display a hint to conclude what is the input field and what to do with it. The hint is shown in the input field previously when the client enters a value. The placeholder attribute performs with the following input types: url, tel, text, search, email, and password.
It should only be used for short descriptions.
Readonly readonly Specifies the field is read only and nothing to do with it.
Required required Specifies a field is required to submit the form.
Spellcheck spellcheck Specifies to understand by the web browser that an input field must spell check the substances.
Step number Describes the <input> element legal number of intervals.

New Input Attributes

HTML5 allows four distinct syntaxes for attributes. The following example explains the various syntaxes used in an <input> tag -

Type Example
Empty <input type="text" value="America" disabled>
Unquoted <input type="text" value=America>
Double-quoted <input type="text" value="America">
Single-quoted <input type="text" value='America’>

All four syntaxes can be used in HTML5 based on what is essential for the attribute.

Graphics elements

<canvas> Used to draw animations graphics and visuals through scripting.
<svg> Used to draw scalable vector graphics.

Media elements

<audio> Describes sound/noise content.
<embed> Describes a container for media/application/external(non-html) element or application
<source> Specifies various media sources for the media elements.
<track> Describes text tracks for < video > and < audio > files .
<video> describes video or movie content within HTML document