Summary -

In this topic, we described about the <style> tag along with detailed example.

<style> tag used to define styles for the HTML document. The styles are typically CSS. The styles applies are mostly at page level. The <style> tag will mostly place inside the <head> tag.

The coding related to styles specify inside the <style> tag. HTML document can contain multiple <style> tags. If any style rule can contain in more than one <style> tag, the last <style> tag rule will be applied to HTML document.

<style> tag supports by all kind of browsers. <style> tag has no ending tag in HTML. By using <style> tag, external style sheet can’t be added to browser.

To add external stylesheet to HTML document, <link> tag needs to be coded which will discuss later. All the attributes are optional.

Optional Attributes -

mediaSpecifies which media/device the styles are customized for.Media_query such as screen, print, screen and max-width:1000.
typeSpecifies the media type of the <style> tag.text/css
scopedSpecifies the element (parent/child) to which the styles needs to be applied.None

Syntax -


Example -

<!DOCTYPE html>
			h3 {color:green;}
			p1 {color:blue;}
		<h3>This is heading</h3>
		<p1>This is paragraph.</p1>

Output -

This is heading

This is paragraph.