Summary -
In this topic, we described about the below sections -
An internal order monitors the costs parts under certain circumstances, the revenues of the organization.
Features: -
An internal order can be created to monitor the costs of a time-restricted job or the costs for the activities production. An internal order can be used for the long-term monitoring of cost. Investment orders monitors investment costs capitalized and settled to fixed assets.
Accrual orders monitors period-related accrual calculation between expenses in Financial Accounting and the costs debited in Cost Accounting. Revenues orders monitors costs and revenues incurred for activities for external partners or for internal activities that do not form part of the core business for the specified organization.
Creating Internal Order: -
Step-1: Go to transaction KO04 or Navigate to Accounting → Controlling → Internal Orders → Master Data → Order Manager.

Step-2: In the next screen, enter the control area and click on right mark.

Step-3: Click on the Create icon in the next screen.

Step-4: Enter the Order Type and click on right mark to proceed.

Step-5: Select from the list for Company Code, Business Area, Profit Center, Responsible CCtr.

Step-6: Once all the details added, click on the save button to create the internal order.

Step-7: The below message displayed with order number.