Summary -
In this topic, we described about the below sections -
Profit Center Group contains set of profit centers that are having similar characteristics. Profit center accounting is an organizational unit which reflects organization management-oriented structure for internal control. Profit Center Accounting evaluates the individual, independent areas profit or loss of within an organization.
Create Profit Center Group -
Below process is to create profit center group TEST01 (Test Profit Center Group).
Step-1: - Go to transaction KCH1.

Go to Accounting → Controlling → Profit Center Accounting → Master Data → Profit Center Group → Create.

Step-2: - Select the Controlling Area and click on right mark to proceed.

Step-3: - Enter Profit Center Group name and Short Description. Press Enter to proceed.

Step-4: - Click on Save icon to complete the profit center group.

Step-5: - Status bar displays the below message once the profit center group created successfully.

Technical details -
- Transaction: KCH1
- Menu Path: Accounting → Controlling → Profit Center Accounting → Master Data → Profit Center Group → Create