Summary -

In this topic, we described about the below sections -

What is Agile?

This methodology is a practice which helps in continuous iteration of development and testing throughout the SDLC. Focuses mainly on teamwork and collaboration.

What is Scrum?

Process of Agile which focuses on delivering the Business value in shortest period of time. It focuses on accountability, teamwork, and iterative progress towards a goal.

Agile Vs Scrum

Differences -

Agile Scrum
Agile Methodology is a combination of both iterative and incremental models. Scrum is an implementation of Agile methodology where in incremental builds are delivered to the end user in each iteration.
Agile is rigid and changes cannot be made frequently. Scrum is flexible and changes can be made when required.
In Agile methodology, the process is more a kind of management dependent and requires the role of team leads and managers as it is process oriented. Scrum does not require management and adhered process. It just goes with the self- organizing scrum team and cross functional trained team members to work on.
Agile method has collaborations and face to face interactions with the members of different cross functional teams. In Scrum, collaboration is assigning fixed roles to all the team members of the scrum team in a daily stand up meeting.
In Agile method, every stage of the SDLC is monitored continuously during the lifecycle. In scrum, all the stages of SDLC are demonstrated to the end user for their feedback only after the sprint completion.
Team lead/Project manager investigates all the issues faced by the team. There will not be any Team leader as such. Every member of the team will investigate the issues faced by the team.
Customer satisfaction is always the top priority. Empirical process control is a core philosophy of scrum-based process
Working software is delivered at the end of each iteration. Working software is not an elementary measure.
Design and Execution should be simple. Design and execution can be innovative and experimental.
Update and delivery of the software on regular basis. When team is done with the current sprint, the next iteration can be planned.
Agile has adaptive planning, evolutionary development, early delivery, and continual improvement, and it encourages flexible responses to change. Scrum has a set of values, principles, and practices.
Agile has three levels -
  • Release Planning
  • Iteration Planning
  • Daily Planning
Iteration Planning in scrum has four levels -
  • Release Planning
  • Sprint Planning
  • Daily Scrum Meeting
  • Sprint Review Meeting
Agile Process includes -
  • Exploration
  • Planning
  • Production
  • Maintenance
  • Delivery
Scrum process includes -
  • Pre-game
  • Development
  • Post Game
Refactoring is done without changing its functionality to improve performance. Task boards and burn down charts would be necessary to follow up the progress.
The product delivery would be dependent on customer satisfaction. Estimated time is calculated based on the calculation - Story-cost * (staff overhead + 1) * (Estimated Risk + 1)
Mode of communication would be face to face within a team. Scrum is rigid without any frequent changes. Rules are clearly defined.