Summary -

In this topic, we explain about the below sections -

The extension is an additional developing tool that can help the user to establish the code effectively. All the extensions are available in "Extension Manager" of Brackets editor.

The Extension Manager shortcut icon is present on the right sidebar as the second icon in the top right corner.


Another way to open the Extension Manager is from the File Menu, click on the Extension Manager option.

Menu path -  File -> Extension Manager

Developers can develop the extensions for Brackets editor and make them available for public use as it is a open-source editor. There are a lot of extensions available for use in the Extension Manager.


Learn about Extension Manager and here we will learn about how to install and remove extensions automatically or manually.

Installing Extensions -

To install the extension, click on the available section (by default selected) to view the available exensions.

In this example, we are installing Beautify extension.

Installing the extensions

Click on install to install button corresponding to the Beautify extension

Installing the extensions

Once the installation completed, it shows a popup as shown below.

Installing the extensions

Installing from folder -

  • Click on the Help menu and then select the ‘show extension folder’.
  • Then drop down the user folder.
  • After that, set the extensions for add or remove or update as needed.
  • Then quit and re-launch the brackets.

Installing from URL -

Click on "Install from URL.." in extensions manager.

Installing from URL

Opens a popup asking for URL. Get the URL from the Github page for "Extension Manager" for Beautify extenision.

Installing from URL

Paste the URL and click on Install button.

Installing from URL

Once the installation is successful, it shows the message like below.

Installing from URL

Removing Extension -

All the installed extensions displays under the Installed section.

Removing the extension

Remove the extension by clicking on "Remove" button.

Removing the extension

The extension will get "marked for removal" and click on "close" button of extension manager.

Removing the extension

Popup asks for the confirmation "Remove Extension and Reload". Click on it to get the extension removed completely.

Removing the extension

Once the extension removed, the Brackets editor gets reloaded.

Updating Extensions -

A green button is appearing at the installed tab when an extension update is available. Click on it to get the extension gets updated to its latest version.

Top Extensions –

Some of the top extensions are listed below -