Summary -
In this topic, we described about the below sections -
Bank key is a bank identifier used to identify the bank in the specific country. The country-specific definition of the bank key can be specified when country key defined.
For example, the bank number used to identify the bank in some countries and the Account number is used to identify the bank in certain countries. So, defining bank number may not require in all the countries.
But bank number can be defined/assigned internally to create reports easily and another key (like swift code) can be used to identify the same bank in other countries.
Define Bank Key: -
Below process is to create bank key TBANKKEY01 in the country india (IN).
Step-1: Enter the transaction code FI01 in the SAP command field and click Enter to continue.

Expand SAP Menu → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Banks → Master Data → Bank Master Record → FI01 - Create. Click on Execute.

Step-2: In the next screen, enter the below details and press Enter.
- Bank Country – Select the bank located country
- Bank Key – Specify the unique bank key (15-digit alphanumeric)

Step-3: In the next screen, enter the below details.
- Bank Name – Enter the bank name.
- Region – Select the state/region from the list.
- Street
- City
- Bank Branch – Enter the bank established location in the city.
- SWIFT Code – Enter the bank unique identification swift code for international transactions.
- Bank Number – Specify the bank number.

Step-4: Once all the details entered, click on the Save button to save the changes.

Step-5: Status bar displays the below message once the bank key created successfully.

Technical Information: -
- Transaction Code: - FI01
- Navigation path: - SAP Menu → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Banks → Master Data → Bank Master Record → FI01 - Create