In general, customers may pay partial amounts for the invoices generated. When the partial payment done from the customer, some proof of payment should be provided to the customer.

SAP FI provides a facility to post the partial payment in the system and provides partial payment invoice to the customer. These partial payments are posted as separate open items.

Customer can see what payments has made and how much is remaining. This process keeps many documents open until the full payment completed.

Note - Incoming partial payment always updated as +ve value.

Post Incoming Partial Payment: -

Below process is to post incoming partial payment.

Step-1: Enter the transaction code F-28 in the SAP command field and click Enter to continue.

Post Incoming Partial Payments


From SAP easy access menu, go to Accounting → Finance Accounting → Accounts Receivable → Document Entry → F-28 – Incoming Payments .

Post Incoming Partial Payments

Step-2: In the next screen, enter the below details.

  • Document Date
  • Company Code where the payment is to be posted
  • Payment Currency
  • Cash/Bank Account
  • Payment Amount
  • Customer ID of the Customer making the payment
Post Incoming Partial Payments

Step-3: Click on Process Open Items.

Post Incoming Partial Payments


Residual Method: -

Click on Residual Items Tab. Select and Activate the Invoice against the partial payment has been made and enter the Residual Amount.

Post Incoming Partial Payments


Partial Method: -

Click on Partial Payment Tab. Select and Activate the Invoice against the partial payment has been made and enter the payment Amount.

Post Incoming Partial Payments

Step-5: Go back to previous screen once all the details entered and click on the Save button to save the changes.

Post Incoming Partial Payments

Step-6: Status bar displays the generated document number once the incoming partial payment posted successfully.

Technical Information: -

  • Transaction Code: - F-28
  • Navigation path: - From SAP easy access menu, go to Accounting → Finance Accounting → Accounts Receivable → Document Entry → F-28 – Incoming Payments .