Summary -

In this topic, we described about the Asset Number Range Intervals and Create Asset Number Range intervals process along with technical information.

The number ranges always define at company code level. Specify the number range per company code while customizing for the asset class.

Alphanumeric intervals can only be assigned externally. The number range specifies for the assignment of numbers for the specific asset class. Asset numbers should be entered of unique and special significance in the master data field "inventory number".

Create Asset Number Range intervals

Below process is to create asset number range intervals for the number 07.

Step-1: Enter the transaction code AS08 in the SAP command field and click Enter to continue.

Asset Number Range Intervals


Enter the transaction code SPRO in the SAP command field and click Enter to continue.

Asset Number Range Intervals

Click on SAP Reference IMG.

Asset Number Range Intervals

Expand SAP Customizing Implementation Guide → Financial Accounting (New) → Asset Accounting → Organizational Structures → Asset Classes → Define Asset Number Range Intervals. Click on Execute.

Asset Number Range Intervals

Step-2: In the next screen, Enter the company code and click on Modify Intervals button.

Asset Number Range Intervals

Step-3: In the next screen, click on New Entries icon.

Asset Number Range Intervals

Step-4: Enter the below details.

  • No – Specify the sequence number.
  • From No. – Specify the starting number in the range.
  • To Number – Specify the ending number in the range.
  • Ext – Select External Assignment if required.
Asset Number Range Intervals

Step-5: Once all the details entered, click on Save button to save the details.

Asset Number Range Intervals

Step-6: A new dialog will appear with a warning message.

Asset Number Range Intervals

Step-7: Status bar displays the below message once the asset number range intervals saved successfully.

Asset Number Range Intervals

Technical Information: -

  • Transaction Code: - AS08
  • Navigation path: - SPRO → SAP Reference IMG → SAP Customizing Implementation Guide → Financial Accounting (New) → Asset Accounting → Organizational Structures → Asset Classes → Define Asset Number Range Intervals
  • Database Table: - NRIV